Is MetaMask Safe and Legit?

Last updated: Sep 20, 2024
17 Min Read
AI Generated Summary

Security is paramount in the evolving Web3 landscape, where safeguarding digital assets has become more critical than ever. As blockchain technology and decentralized applications (dApps) gain traction, the value of assets stored in digital wallets has soared, making them prime targets for hackers and malicious actors. From phishing attacks to sophisticated smart contract vulnerabilities, the threats in the Web3 space are constantly evolving, and users must stay vigilant to protect their investments.

Unlike traditional banking systems, where third-party institutions provide a layer of security, Web3 shifts the responsibility directly to the user. This decentralization, while empowering, introduces new risks, as a single error — like losing a private key or falling for a phishing scam — can result in irreversible loss of funds. With no central authority to reverse transactions or recover lost assets, users must rely on robust security practices to mitigate these risks and ensure the safety of their digital holdings.

As one of the most widely used and trusted cryptocurrency wallets, MetaMask has emerged as the go-to choice for millions of users seeking both convenience and robust security features. Chance are you've found yourself asking questions like is MetaMask safe? Is MetaMask legit? In this article, we’ll dive into MetaMask security features and privacy controls that protect your assets, answering whether MetaMask is a good wallet for the Web3 space.

What is MetaMask?

MetaMask is an online cryptocurrency wallet designed primarily for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and other Ethereum-compatible networks. Unlike traditional wallets that store physical currency, MetaMask helps users manage their blockchain addresses, which serve as unique identifiers on the network. These addresses allow users to control and access their digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

Importantly, MetaMask does not store the actual cryptocurrencies within the wallet itself. Instead, the tokens and assets are stored on the blockchain, a decentralized ledger that records all transactions. MetaMask simply provides the interface and tools necessary to manage these blockchain-based assets securely and efficiently. 

If you’re wondering how safe is MetaMask, you’ll find that much of its safety lies in its design and user responsibility. Follow the How to Setup MetaMask guide on the Coin Bureau if you do not have a wallet.

MetaMask Security and Privacy Features

This section details the various security and privacy measures MetaMask has implemented to safeguard its users.

MetaMask Security Features

MetaMask has integrated several critical security features to protect your digital assets well. These features are designed to protect your wallet from unauthorized access and reduce the risk of potential attacks.

  1. Seed Phrase: When you create a MetaMask wallet, a 12-word seed phrase is generated. This phrase is a backup for your wallet and is crucial for account recovery if you lose access to your device. It is vital to keep this seed phrase private and secure, as anyone with access to it can fully control your wallet and assets. MetaMask emphasizes the importance of not sharing this phrase with anyone, underscoring its role as the primary safeguard for your wallet.
Is MetaMask Safe
MetaMask Seed Phrase Setup | Image via Medium
  1. Local Storage: MetaMask stores private keys locally on the user's device rather than on its servers. This reduces the risk of a large-scale data breach but does place responsibility on the user to secure their device. While local storage is safer in many respects, the device could be compromised through theft or a security breach, factors outside MetaMask's control.
  2. Encryption: The recovery phrase and private keys stored in your browser are encrypted and protected by a MetaMask password. This encryption ensures that even if someone gains access to your device, they still need the MetaMask password to access your wallet.
  3. Hardware Wallet Compatibility: For those wondering is MetaMask wallet safe, the answer is enhanced when integrating hardware wallets. MetaMask supports integration with Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets, providing another layer of protection. This combination is ideal for users looking for MetaMask security at its highest level.
  4. Transaction Confirmation: MetaMask prompts users to review the transaction details, including the recipient's address and the amount, before confirming any transaction. This feature helps prevent accidental transactions and ensures users can double-check information before approving any funds transfer.
  5. Phishing Protection: MetaMask offers opt-in phishing protection features that alert users when they attempt to connect to sites that could be scams or phishing attacks. These warnings protect users from malicious websites that might steal their private information or assets.
  6. MetaMask Security Alerts by Blockaid: MetaMask has partnered with Blockaid to provide an opt-in security alert feature. This feature warns users who unknowingly expose themselves to suspicious sites or authorizing transactions that could lead to scams or phishing attacks. The feature is available on several networks, including Ethereum, Linea, BNB Chain, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Avalanche, and Base.
Is MetaMask Safe and legit
MetaMask Security Alerts | Image via MetaMask
  1. Regular Updates: MetaMask regularly updates its software to address any newly discovered security vulnerabilities and improve overall platform performance. Frequent updates are a key aspect of MetaMask security, ensuring users always have the latest protection.
  2. Custom Token Approval: MetaMask allows users to set spending limits for specific tokens to prevent unauthorized transactions. This feature helps control how much of a particular token can be transferred, adding another layer of security against potential fraud.
  3. Open Source Code: MetaMask's open-source code allows the broader community to audit and review it for any vulnerabilities. This transparency fosters trust and enables security experts to identify and report potential issues, contributing to the wallet's overall security.
  4. Auto-Detect Tokens: MetaMask's auto-detect token feature automatically identifies the assets in a user's wallet using a curated list of data sources. This functionality reduces the need for manual token addition and ensures that users can easily manage their assets without the hassle of manually inputting contract addresses.

MetaMask Privacy Features

In addition to its security measures, MetaMask provides several privacy features that give users control over how their data is handled. These features are essential for maintaining anonymity and protecting personal information in the blockchain space.

  1. RPC Configuration: MetaMask allows users to configure their RPC endpoints. While the default endpoints are provided by Infura and are known for their reliability, users concerned about privacy can switch to alternative RPC providers or even set up their own custom nodes. This flexibility helps minimize the exposure of user data to third parties.
  2. Privacy Settings: MetaMask offers customizable privacy settings, allowing users to control their data collection and use. These settings enable users to manage their preferences regarding data sharing, further enhancing their ability to maintain privacy while using the wallet.
  3. Browser Integration: MetaMask operates as a browser extension, meaning it's subject to the browser's privacy controls on which it's installed. Users can leverage their browser's privacy settings to further protect their data by blocking trackers or using privacy-focused browsers like Brave.


MetaMask stands out for its comprehensive security and privacy features, making it a reliable option for managing digital assets. Its local storage, encryption, hardware wallet compatibility, and frequent updates ensure that users' assets remain protected from a wide range of threats. On the privacy front, MetaMask's flexibility in RPC configuration and customizable settings empower users to maintain high anonymity.

Compared to other wallets, MetaMask's user-friendly design and robust security measures make it a popular choice, especially for those who prioritize convenience without compromising safety. However, as with any wallet, the responsibility ultimately lies with the user to follow best practices, such as safeguarding their seed phrase and ensuring their device's security. By taking these precautions, users can maximize the protection MetaMask offers and confidently navigate the world of decentralized finance.

How Can I Secure My MetaMask Wallet?

MetaMask offers robust features, but is MetaMask a good wallet in terms of overall security? The wallet’s safety ultimately depends on how well users follow best practices:

Use a Strong Password

The foundation of your MetaMask security begins with a strong password. Avoid common passwords and instead create one that is long, unique, and includes a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. This password will encrypt your private keys on your device, so choosing something that cannot be easily guessed is critical.

Consider a Hardware Wallet

For those who handle large amounts of digital assets, a hardware wallet with MetaMask is highly recommended. Hardware wallets store your private keys offline, making them immune to online attacks. MetaMask is compatible with popular hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor, allowing you to sign transactions without exposing your private keys.

Keep MetaMask Up to Date

Regularly updating MetaMask ensures that you have the latest security features and bug fixes. MetaMask developers frequently release updates to address vulnerabilities and enhance security, so enabling automatic updates or manually checking for them is essential.

Don't Share Your Seed Phrase

Your seed phrase is the key to your MetaMask wallet, and it should never be shared with anyone. If someone gains access to your seed phrase, they can control your wallet and steal your assets. Store your seed phrase in a secure, offline location, such as a physical paper stored in a safe.

Use a Secure Internet Connection

Always use a private Internet connection when accessing MetaMask. Public Wi-Fi networks are particularly vulnerable to attacks, so avoid using MetaMask when connected to them. A VPN can also add an extra layer of security by encrypting your internet traffic and masking your IP address.

Avoid Phishing Scams

Phishing attacks are a common threat to MetaMask users. Be cautious of unsolicited emails, messages, or websites that ask for your seed phrase or private keys. MetaMask will never ask for this information. Always verify the URL of the website you're connecting to and use MetaMask's phishing protection features.

metamask security
Protection Against Phishing Scams is the User’s Responsibility | Image via coolwallet

Report Suspicious Activities

If you encounter any suspicious activities or potential scams while using MetaMask, report them immediately. MetaMask has a support team that can assist with these issues and help protect other users from falling victim to the same threats.

Inspect Token Approvals

Before signing any transaction on a decentralized application (DApp), inspect what the DApp requests access to. Some DApps may request permission to spend an unlimited amount of a particular token, which can be risky. Always check the details and consider setting spending limits where possible. To ensure their legitimacy, please conduct your own research (DYOR) on the DApps you interact with.

Only Connect to Websites You Trust

Be selective about the websites and DApps you connect to your MetaMask wallet. Connecting to untrusted websites can expose your wallet to security risks. Stick to well-known and reputable platforms, and if something seems suspicious, avoid connecting your wallet.

Set Up Auto-Lock

MetaMask offers an auto-lock feature that automatically locks the wallet interface after a period of inactivity. This useful security measure prevents unauthorized access if you leave your device unattended. Make sure to enable and configure this feature to fit your needs.

Consider Running Your Own Node (Advanced)

Running your Ethereum node for advanced users can enhance privacy and security. You can interact directly with the blockchain by running a node without relying on third-party services like Infura. This reduces the risk of data leaks and improves transaction privacy, although it requires more technical knowledge and resources.

Spread On-Chain Activity Across Multiple Wallets

Diversifying your on-chain activity across multiple wallets can help mitigate risk. For example, you might use one wallet for everyday transactions and another for holding your long-term investments. This way, if one wallet is compromised, the others remain secure.

Never Sync Your Wallet with Websites

Avoid syncing your MetaMask wallet with websites or authorizing them to sign transactions on your behalf. This could give them access to your funds and private keys. Always manually review and approve each transaction to ensure it aligns with your intentions.


By implementing these best practices, you can significantly enhance the security and privacy of your MetaMask wallet. While MetaMask offers robust features designed to protect your assets, the responsibility for maintaining security lies with the user. Regularly reviewing your security settings, staying informed about potential threats, and practicing good digital hygiene are all crucial steps in safeguarding your digital assets. When compared to other wallets, MetaMask's flexible, user-controlled environment makes it a powerful tool but also one that requires vigilant and informed use.

What Are The Risks of Using MetaMask?

While MetaMask is one of the most popular and trusted cryptocurrency wallets, it has risks. Understanding these risks is crucial for users to take necessary precautions to protect their digital assets. Below, we outline the primary risks of using MetaMask and how the platform has shown resilience against these vulnerabilities.

Software Bugs and Exploits

As with any software, MetaMask is susceptible to bugs and potential exploits. While the MetaMask development team works diligently to address vulnerabilities and release updates, the possibility of unknown bugs or new exploits emerging remains. Users who do not keep their MetaMask extension up-to-date might be particularly vulnerable, as attackers can exploit outdated software more easily.

RPC Provider and Network Risks

MetaMask relies on Remote Procedure Call (RPC) providers like Infura to connect to the Ethereum blockchain and other networks. These providers can present risks if they are compromised, experience downtime, or if their data is intercepted. Issues with RPC providers can lead to delays, inaccurate transaction data, or exposure of users' IP addresses and other data. While MetaMask allows users to configure their own RPC endpoints, many rely on the default settings, which may expose them to these network-related risks.

Privacy Concerns

Although MetaMask stores private keys and sensitive data locally on the user's device, there are still privacy concerns to consider. Since MetaMask interacts with inherently transparent blockchain networks, user transactions, and interactions can be publicly visible. This transparency can expose users to privacy risks, mainly if they do not take additional steps to mask their activity, such as using a VPN or alternative RPC endpoints. Despite these concerns, MetaMask's design minimizes the data it stores, reducing the potential for large-scale data breaches.

Loss of Funds

MetaMask, like all non-custodial wallets, requires users to safeguard their private keys and seed phrases. If these are lost or stolen, the user permanently loses access to their funds. Unlike custodial wallets, where a provider might offer some recovery options, MetaMask does not have access to user keys and, therefore, cannot assist in recovering a lost wallet. This risk underscores the importance of securely storing private keys and seed phrases in multiple secure locations.

Risk of Connecting to Malicious DApps

MetaMask users often interact with DApps, which presents a significant risk if the DApp is malicious. Malicious DApps can request permission to spend unlimited tokens or even drain a user's wallet if not carefully vetted. Users must exercise caution when approving transactions and always verify the legitimacy of the DApp before connecting MetaMask to it.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are a prevalent risk in cryptocurrency, and MetaMask users are not immune. Attackers often create fake websites or send deceptive emails that mimic MetaMask or other trusted platforms, tricking users into revealing their seed phrases or private keys. MetaMask has introduced phishing protection features, but users must remain vigilant to avoid these scams.

Browser Compatibility

As a browser extension, MetaMask is subject to the security and compatibility issues inherent in web browsers. Different browsers have varying levels of security, and a browser that is not regularly updated or configured correctly can pose additional risks. Additionally, users may encounter compatibility issues with specific browser extensions that interfere with MetaMask's functionality, potentially leading to vulnerabilities.

Resilience Against Risks

Despite these risks, MetaMask has demonstrated outstanding resilience. The development team regularly updates the wallet to patch vulnerabilities and improve security features. Additionally, the wallet's open-source nature allows the community to audit the code and contribute to identifying and fixing potential issues. However, while MetaMask provides a secure platform, the ultimate responsibility for managing risks lies with the user.

MetaMask Compatibility and Token Support

MetaMask is compatible with many blockchain networks, primarily focusing on those compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Here's a list of some of the significant networks supported by MetaMask:

  1. Ethereum Mainnet
  2. Binance Chain 
  3. Avalanche (C-Chain)
  4. Polygon 
  5. Arbitrum
  6. Optimism 
  7. Aurora
  8. Harmony
  9. Palm
  10. Celo

MetaMask also supports additional networks via its configurable RPC settings, allowing users to add and connect to virtually any EVM-compatible blockchain.

Compatible Hardware Wallets with MetaMask

Using MetaMask with a hardware wallet adds an extra layer of security, keeping your private keys offline and significantly reducing the risk of hacks. Here are the hardware wallets that are currently compatible with MetaMask:

  1. Ledger (Nano X, Nano S, Nano S Plus)
  2. Trezor (Model T, Model One)
  3. Lattice1
  4. Keystone
  5. AirGap Vault
  6. KeepKey

Most of these hardware wallets are compatible with MetaMask's browser extension, and some, like Ledger and Keystone, can also be used with the MetaMask mobile app. Using these hardware wallets with MetaMask allows you to securely manage your crypto assets by requiring physical interaction with the wallet device to approve transactions, providing additional security against unauthorized access.

Looking for a hardware wallet? Check out our top picks for the best hardware wallets. We also have some sweet deals on hardware wallets:

👉 Buy Ledger Hardware Wallets

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Are there Any Alternatives to MetaMask?

Here are five widely used online wallet alternatives to MetaMask:

  1. Trust Wallet: Trust Wallet is highly popular among mobile users and is Binance's official wallet. It supports various cryptocurrencies across multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, BNB Chain, and Solana. Trust Wallet also allows users to interact directly with decentralized apps (DApps) within the wallet through its built-in browser.
  2. Coinbase Wallet: Coinbase Wallet is another major player that offers a user-friendly interface and robust security features. It supports thousands of cryptocurrencies and allows seamless integration with the Coinbase exchange. While it's not open-source, it remains popular due to its ease of use and the backing of a trusted exchange.
  3. Phantom: Originally designed for the Solana blockchain, Phantom has expanded its support to Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Polygon, making it a versatile option. Phantom offers an intuitive interface, robust security features, and the ability to connect with Ledger hardware wallets, making it a top choice for users in the Solana ecosystem.
  4. Exodus: Exodus is known for its visually appealing interface and support for over 50 networks, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. It offers in-app crypto swaps, staking options, and integration with Trezor hardware wallets. Exodus is available on desktop and mobile, making it accessible to many users.
  5. Brave Wallet: Brave Wallet is integrated directly into the Brave browser, providing an easy and secure way to manage multiple cryptocurrencies, including its native BAT token. While it lacks support for some DApps and Bitcoin, its focus on privacy and security makes it an appealing option for users concerned with these aspects.

These wallets offer features that might suit your needs better than MetaMask, depending on what you're looking for in terms of blockchain support, user experience, and additional functionalities.

Is MataMask Safe: Closing Thoughts

MetaMask has solidified its position as the default choice for Web3 users, a status earned through years of reliable service and continuous improvement. Its open-source nature and widespread adoption make it an ideal wallet for beginners and experienced users, offering transparency and security that drastically reduces the likelihood of vulnerabilities. 

As the most widely supported wallet in the Web3 ecosystem, MetaMask's compatibility with decentralized applications and blockchain networks remains unmatched. Whether you're just starting your crypto journey or are a seasoned pro, MetaMask's comprehensive features and trusted reputation make it an indispensable tool in digital assets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is MetaMask Legit?

Yes, MetaMask is a legitimate cryptocurrency wallet that has been widely used since its launch in 2016 by ConsenSys, a well-respected blockchain software company. MetaMask allows users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and other Ethereum-compatible networks.

It is trusted by millions of users worldwide for managing digital assets, connecting to decentralized applications (dApps), and engaging in Web3 activities. As an open-source platform, its code is regularly reviewed and audited by the community, ensuring transparency and security in its operations.

Is MetaMask a Cold Wallet?

No, MetaMask is not a cold wallet; it is considered a hot wallet. A hot wallet, like MetaMask, is connected to the internet, making it convenient for regular transactions and interactions with dApps. However, this also means it is more susceptible to online threats compared to cold wallets, which are offline and therefore provide enhanced security.

For those seeking additional security, MetaMask can be used in conjunction with a hardware wallet, which is a type of cold wallet, to better protect private keys.

How to Download MetaMask?

Downloading MetaMask is straightforward. It is available as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge, and also as a mobile app for iOS and Android. To download, visit the official MetaMask website ( and select the appropriate platform. Follow the installation prompts to add the extension to your browser or download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Once installed, you can create a new wallet or import an existing one using your seed phrase.

Is MetaMask Safe?

MetaMask is generally considered safe, especially when users follow best practices such as securing their seed phrase, using strong passwords, and enabling additional security features like hardware wallet integration. The wallet is open-source, allowing the community to audit its code for vulnerabilities, which helps maintain its security standards. However, as a hot wallet, it is still connected to the internet, making it more vulnerable to phishing attacks and malware than cold storage options. User vigilance is key to maintaining security.

Is MetaMask a Good Wallet?

MetaMask is widely regarded as a good wallet, particularly for those involved in the Ethereum ecosystem and Web3 activities. It is user-friendly, offers robust security features, and supports a wide range of DApps and tokens across multiple networks.

Its open-source nature and active community contribute to its reliability and transparency. While it is an excellent tool for both beginners and experienced users, those who prioritize maximum security might consider pairing it with a hardware wallet for enhanced protection.

Editorial Team

The Coin Bureau Editorial Team are your dedicated guides through the dynamic world of cryptocurrency. With a passion for educating the masses on blockchain technology and a commitment to unbiased, shill-free content, we unravel the complexities of the industry through in-depth research. We aim to empower the crypto community with the knowledge needed to navigate the crypto landscape successfully and safely, equipping our community with the knowledge and understanding they need to navigate this new digital frontier. 

Disclaimer: These are the writer’s opinions and should not be considered investment advice. Readers should do their own research.

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